Treasure Valley
Dharma Friends is pleased to present
Lama Jhampa
February 5-9,
Separating from the 4 Attachments
With attachment to this life –
there is no Dharma practitioner;
Attachment to samsara –
no renunciation;
Attachment to self-purpose –
no Enlightenment thought;
If grasping arises –
there is no view.
Jhampa will be leading practices and teaching on “Separating from the 4
Attachments.” This is a classic Buddhist
teaching said to have a divine origin. When he was just twelve years old, the
founder of the Sakya tradition, Sachen Kunga Nyingpo (1092- 1158), received
this concise and profound teaching directly from Manjushri. Still today, this
essential teaching of Mind Training is especially valued for developing the
altruistic motivation.
Wednesday, February 5 – Tara
Practice at LTTT Temple, 7:30 – 9:00 pm, 2312 W. Overland, Boise
Thursday, February 6 – Yamantaka Practice at BIBS Center, 5:30
pm, 660 N. 9th Street
This will
be a more general teaching on Vajrayana and Yamantaka practice and is
appropriate for those who are Buddhists for at least two years with an
interest in Vajrayana practice and who are willing to take a daily practice
commitment after taking the Yamantaka Empowerment later this year
Friday, February 7 – Four Attachments Teaching at LTTT Temple,
7:30 – 9:00 pm, 2312 W. Overland
Saturday, February 8 – Four Attachments Teaching at LTTT Temple,
10:00 – 11:30 am & 1:30 – 3:00 pm, 2312 W. Overland
Saturday, February 8 – Yamantaka Practice at BIBS Center, 5:30
pm, 660 N. 9th Street
This will
be a Yamantaka practice for those who have already had the Yamantaka
Sunday, February 9 – Four Attachments Teaching at Durick home,
10:00 – 11:30 am & 1:30 – 3:00 pm, 2268 Toluka Way (on Warms Springs Mesa
off of Windsong)
$15 per session or $60 for 5 sessions or $80 for 7 sessions. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Shaneman studied Mahayana
Buddhism in Dharamsala, India from 1971 until 1984. He was an ordained monk
during those years. He studied with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, His Holiness's
senior tutor Kyabje Ling Rinpoche, Ven. Geshe Rabten, Geshe Dhargaye and other
famous Lamas of that time. Jhampa has translated for Masters of all the 4 sects
of Tibetan Buddhism over the last 25 years and carries various lineages from
these traditions. In 1980, Jhampa entered the traditional Great Retreat and
spent the next three and a half years on the mountain above Dharmsala, India.