Saturday, October 06, 2012


Treasure Valley Dharma Friends

Cordially Invites You to Attend a Fund-Raising Event
On Behalf of Sravasti Abbey
To Support the Completion of Chenrezig Hall

On October 20, 2012
6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

At 2911 South Holden Avenue
Boise, ID 83706
(3 blocks east of Timberline High School-South of Boise Avenue)

Chenrezig - also known as Kwan Yin, Kannon, or Avalokiteshvara - is the Buddha of Compassion. With one thousand arms, Chenrezig reaches out to care for all living beings and the aptly named Chenrezig Hall will care for all the Abbey guests.

The Fund-Raiser offers snacks and light beverages, books and other items for sale, a Silent Auction with donations from local businesses, artists and service providers.  Venerable Thubten Chonyi from the Abbey will make a brief presentation about Chenrezig Hall and the Abbey and will be available for questions.  She also will be teaching Friday night, Saturday (two sessions) and Sunday at the LTT Temple located at 2312 West Overland Road, Boise.

If you cannot attend, donations may be made by check to P.O. Box 20644, Seattle, WA 98101      or online at 

A donor has generously provided a $100,000 Compassion match. 
All offerings to build Chenrezig Hall will be doubled
Now until December 1

For more information about the Abbey and Chenrezig Hall, write

For more information on the Teachings, contact